Manual tools

Replaceable hardened steel jaws. Top quality cast gray steel. Quality controls both in the movement guides and in the body functions. Safety stop that prevents the guide from separating from the body. The cast steel crank will bend before the body is overloaded. The unbreakable nut can be replaced when worn.
Incluye: Fresas de alta velocidad 194, Punta esmeriladora de óxido de aluminio 952, Punta esmeriladora de carburo de silicio 85422, ,401 - Adaptador, 402 - Adaptador, 403 - Cepillo de cerdas, Disco de corte de esmeril de 15/16'' 409 (36), Lijadora de tambor de 407 1/2 de pulgada, 408 - Banda de lijar de 1/2 pulgada, grano 60, Banda de lijar 432 de 1/2 de...