Miscellaneous hardware


Aluminum Shovel 5520 MA

Maximum lightness and easy cleaning. Perfect union between the blade and the handle. Light and pleasant to touch wooden handles available in ring and long models. Very resistant, riveted bucket, which ensures a perfect union between shovel and handle. To collect snow, dirt, etc. Of special use in food.

Aluminum Shovel 5520 ML

Maximum lightness and easy cleaning. Perfect union between the blade and the handle. Light and pleasant to touch wooden handles available in ring and long models. Very resistant, riveted bucket, which ensures a perfect union between shovel and handle. To collect snow, dirt, etc. Of special use in food.
Maximum hardness, great resistance to wear. Nail design for minimal effort. Head and forgings, thermally tempered. Top quality steel. Finished with epoxy paint.
Carga a granel por aspiración, Con cartucho y con dispensador eco-fill. Sistema de sujeción de varilla antideslizante, con purgador y empuñadura de PVC ergonómica. Se sirve en estuche de cartón, con latiguillo flexible AFH4/1 340 y boquilla.
Valida para bidones de 50/200 litros. Para uso con petróleo gasóleo y aceite hasta SAE 90. Capacidad de entrega: 350cm3, por embolada. Con salida rígida.
Cuerpo de acero. Valido para gasóleo, aceite de motor, aceite de cambio y aceite hidráulico hasta SAE 90. Capacidad de entrega 250cm3 por vuelta.
Agarre por cuatro grapas de una sola pieza de acero endurecido y templado. Estanqueidad absoluta. Rosca 1/8 gas.
- Con 4 garras endurecidas, de acero para herramientas., - Con obturador hidráulico de alto rendimiento., - Con rótula lineal y válvula antirretorno integradas., - Desacople posible a más de 600 bar, sin derrames ni pérdidas., - Diámetro exterior de acuerdo a la norma DIN.
Nuevos Unifersa

Caldereta Bkw10Bm 10L Black

Caldereta with metal handle made of low density polyethylene and elastomers that provide a high capacity to absorb impacts. The material has a memory effect so that after deformation it can return to its original shape. The cauldron has been designed and manufactured to be resistant to shocks and falls, high and low temperatures and with UV protection to...
Para engrasadora con boquilla de 340mm de largo. Presión de trabajo: 250 bares. Presión de rotura: 1000 bar. Rosca 1/8 gas.

Paletin 5902

Finishing work and finishing touches masonry.

Paletin 5903

Finishing work and finishing touches masonry.

Palette 5841 \ B

Pallets forged in one piece. Special laminate orienting the steel fibers unidirectionally. Differentiated heat treatment in sheet and spike.

Palette 5841 \ C

Pallets forged in one piece. Special laminate orienting the steel fibers unidirectionally. Differentiated heat treatment in sheet and spike.

Palette 5842 \ D

Pallets forged in one piece. Special laminate orienting the steel fibers unidirectionally. Differentiated heat treatment in sheet and spike.