

Brakleen Pro 500Ml Spray

Energetic cleaner and quick drying of brake parts. Features: multiple active components for greater cleaning; effectively removes brake fluid, grease and oil; reduces squeaks of brake discs; safe on metal surfaces, does not stain. Benefits: cleans up to 40 brake discs; fast evaporation and high cleaning power to minimize the lack of time; pleasant citrus...
Agente de deshielo eficaz y de acción rápida para superficies de vidrio y caucho, simplemente aplican sobre el hielo con el pulverizador. También elimina capas gruesas de hielo. No se necesita raspador de hielo. Aplicaciones: parabrisas, espejos, faros, goma de puertas...

Extra Fast Degreaser 500Ml

Cleaning and degreasing of tools, machinery and metal parts. Safe with most plastics, rubbers and coatings. With 360º valve and extension tube. 97% active product.
Para eliminar la espuma de PU derramada y no endurecida. Rápido, biologicamente degradable, sin olores molestos.